Editor's review
Experience Content Central, the all-in-one, browser-based document management system providing you with quick and easy access to your documents and other content.
Pros: This is a document management application that covers the complete lifecycle. It has features that make document capture, storage, search and retrieval quite easy for the end user. The biggest user friendly feature is it is browser based and thus access, sped and security are direct by-products. In the capture phase you can upload documents or scan the paper based ones. Multi-function printer based scanner or any other easily available scanner will do the job and documents will be routed directly into Content Central. The process is as easy as copying a piece of paper. Electronic files can just be dragged and dropped and sent to the repository quickly. Files deposited into the repository are named automatically and filed appropriately as they are deposited into the application. Security and organization is maintained during the process.
Finding documents are easy. The familiar file explorer is integrated into the application so that you can easily browse around and find what you are looking for. Alternately you can search on the basis of metadata that is stored along with the documents. You cam even search fir a document based on a specific word. The application will find the document even if it is a scanned one. Even if the document is actually located on a different machine on the network accessing it trough a browser is not an issue at all. If the application is allowed access to the Internet it’ll find documents on a website even if you are not directly accessing the site.
Version management is enforced through check in checkout features. You can also specify retention policies so that groups of documents will be removed when expiry happens. Other major management feature is the ability to enforce workflow rules. Documents are moved to the right people in the queue by the program.
Approval/authorization is taken care of easily. Manage documents by editing, e-mailing, and printing documents along with many other actions that you would expect from a document management solution.
Cons: No particular problem noticed.
Overall: Nice application with a good set of features this is good for a 4 star rating.
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